Bill Sumner and Buck 20.511 in Mens 20-38 Poles - Record standing since 1999
Melissa Hoilman and Color 20.1, Ladies 20-38 Fastest Pole run of all - 2011
Gene Nix 8.294 , Mens 39 & over - Fastest Cone run of all - 2005
Jake Tyre and Lady 9.027 Pony Cones - Record standing since 2011
Kara Counil and Snazzy 8.596, 1-12 Cones - Record standing since 2004
Parker Hendrix and Cat 8.372, 13-19 Cones - Record standing since 2011
Ginger Knowles and Redman 8.391, Ladies 20-38 Cones - Record standing since 2001
Kent Belcher and Strong 8.512, Men 20-38 Cones - Record standing since 2001
Cathy Blalock and Butter 8.585, Ladies 39 & Over - Record standing since 2000
Krystal Kennedy and Gator 11.343, Pony Texas - Record standing since 2000
Hayley Parker and Mississippi 10.474, 1-12 Texas - Record standing since 2011
Kathy Kite and Rocky 10.403, Ladies 39 & Over Texas - Record standing since 2011
Krystal Kennedy and Gator 10.233, Pony Arena - Record standing since 2000
Hayley Parker and Mississippi 9.261 1-12 Arena - Record standing since 2011
Stephen Yawn 9.354, Men 20-38 Arena - Record standing since 2011
Lucy Rumble and Sue's Chance 9.423, Ladies 39 & Over Arena - Record standing since 2009
Melissa Holiman and Colors 14.936 - Ladies 20-38 - Fastest Cloverleaf over all 2011
Donna Daughtry and Vaboom 15.212, Ladies 39 & Over Cloverleaf - standing since 2011